HomeProtected Areas
Pico de Tancítaro

About Pico de Tancítaro
Pico de Tancítaro Wildlife Protection Area. It is a mountain biological corridor, in which there are different types of vegetation such as pine, oak and fir forests, mountain cloud for...
How to get there?
Most important locality
Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, at 14 Km.
Morelia International Airport 'General Francisco Mújica' - Michoacán
References and Transportation
Ways to get there
From the municipal seat of Nuevo Parangaricutiro take the road to the Paricutín Volcano.
Transportation facilities
Private vehicle.
Mobility within the protected area
Dirt roads
There is no established schedule.
There is no infrastructure or personnel for visitor control.
Entrance fee
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Rights for the current fiscal year
Average weather in the area
Protected Area map
View map

Activities and recommendations
- Camping
- Environmental education and interpretation
- Flora and fauna watching
- A good time to visit the Protected Area is in autumn and winter.
- Comfortable and thermal clothing is recommended.
Services within the PA
Interpretive trails
Lodging near the PA
Food service near the PA
Available services in the nearest locality to the PA
Bank ATMs
Market / Super Market
Transportation services
Nearest locality to the PA
Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, at 14 Km.
Admission fee
Protected Area entrance fee
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Rights for the current fiscal year
More about Pico de Tancítaro
Interesting facts
The Pico de Tancitaro Wildlife Protection Area, in Michoacan, is a mountainous biological corridor in which there are different types of veg...
The summit of Tancítaro and the vicinity of the Paricutín volcano.
Representative species of PA

Michoacan Pocket Gopher (Zygogeomys trichopus), Imbricate Alligator Lizard (Barisia imbricata), Goldman's Woodrat (Nelsonia goldmani), Coope...
You can see more representative species of Pico de Tancítaro on the web site

Visitor regulations
Follow these indications to conserve the Protected Area
1. No bonfires 2. Do not litter 3. Travel only on established roads 4. Respect the signs and indications of Park personnel.