HomeProtected Areas
Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin
Ciudad de México, Estado de México and Morelos

About Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin
Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin Wildlife Protection Area. This protected area conserves the most important mountain cloud forest in Morelos. The location of the Biological Corridor and the different...
How to get there?
Most important locality
Cuernavaca, Morelos, is part of the Protected Area.
Mexico City International Airport 'Benito Juárez' - CDMX
References and Transportation
Ways to get there
By land: Mexico City to Cuernavaca highway (86.3 km); Toluca to Cuernavaca highway (135 km); Puebla to Cuernavaca highway (155 km); Chilpanc...
Transportation facilities
Private or rented car and public transportation (cab, bus, service providers).
Mobility within the protected area
Trails, dirt roads and highways (with very little signage).
Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Totlán Recreational Park Schedule.
Entrance fee
$90 MXN
Average weather in the area
Three zones: semi-cold, temperate and semi-warm.
Protected Area map
View map

Activities and recommendations
- Ancient cave paints
- Archaeological and historic sites
- Bird watching
- All year round is recommended to visit the Protected Area.
- In the northern zone a jacket and boots are recommended, towards the south a little lighter (it is warmer).
Services within the PA
Internet connection
Visitor center or equivalent
Lodging near the PA
Food service near the PA
Cheap restaurants
Fast food
Street food
Available services in the nearest locality to the PA
Bank ATMs
Market / Super Market
Transportation services
Nearest locality to the PA
Cuernavaca, Morelos, is part of the Protected Area.
Admission fee
Protected Area entrance fee
$90 MXN Entrance prices per person, per day, as collection of rights.
Senior citizens, pensioned and retired persons, disabled persons, and minors under 12 years of age will be exempt from the payment of fees, whose status will be accredited once they enter the Protected Area, if applicable, with the corresponding valid credential. A 50% discount will be applied to students and teachers with a valid credential, which must be presented upon entering the Protected Area.
More about Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin
Interesting facts
The Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin is a natural corridor that allows the movement of numerous species between different protected areas.
In section I recreational centers, and in section II viewpoints, bodies of water and landscape.
Representative species of PA

Bell's False Brook Salamander (Isthmura bellii), Black tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus), Roadside Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Russet-cro...
You can see more representative species of Corredor Biológico Chichinautzin on the web site

Visitor regulations
Follow these indications to conserve the Protected Area
1. Do not introduce firearms 2. No campfires 3. No extraction of wild flora or fauna.
PA office address
Av. Universidad No. 5 Col. Santa María Ahuacatitlán C.P. 61200 Cuernavaca, Morelos.
+52 55 54 49 7000 ext. 18616
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