HomeProtected Areas

Laguna de Términos

Campeche and Tabasco

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About Laguna de Términos

Laguna de Términos Wildlife Protection Area.  With its more than 700,000 hectares of extension, this protected area encompasses a range of environments including mangroves and other wetl...

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How to get there?

  • Most important locality

    Isla Aguada, Ciudad del Carmen, 40.6 Km, 40 minutes of coastal travel.

  • Airport

    Villahermosa International Airport 'Carlos Rovirosa Pérez' - Tabasco
    Ciudad del Carmen International Airport - Campeche.

References and Transportation
  • Ways to get there

    From Mexico to Ciudad del Carmen: With 1,757 Km of distance, 22 hours 31 minutes in own vehicle.
    By public transportation with ADO, ADO...

  • Transportation facilities

    Public transportation such as combis, foreign cabs, first class transportation, and second or intermediate class transportation depending on...

  • Mobility within the protected area

    In the case of dolphin watching, there are tourist boat service providers.

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  • Schedules

    Every day from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Entrance fee

    $90 MXN

  • Average weather in the area

    Tropical temperate

    With frequent rains from May to October.

Laguna de Términos in Mexico

Activities and recommendations



  • The recommended months to visit are from May to September.
  • Comfortable walking clothes are recommended.


Services within the PA

Information modules

Lodging near the PA


Food service near the PA

Cheap restaurants
Fast food

Available services in the nearest locality to the PA

Bank ATMs
Health center
Market / Super Market
Transportation services

Nearest locality to the PA

Isla Aguada, Ciudad del Carmen, 40.6 Km, 40 minutes of coastal travel.

Admission fee

Protected Area entrance fee

$90 MXN Entrance prices per person, per day, as collection of rights.

Senior citizens, pensioned and retired persons, disabled persons, and minors under 12 years of age will be exempt from the payment of fees, whose status will be accredited once they enter the Protected Area, if applicable, with the corresponding valid credential. A 50% discount will be applied to students and teachers with a valid credential, which must be presented upon entering the Protected Area.

More about Laguna de Términos

Interesting facts

Laguna de Terminos is the largest estuary in the country, fed by other smaller lakes and by the Palizada, Chumpán and Candelaria rivers. Its...

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Sightseeing tours, visit to the town of Isla Aguada, Carmen for dolphin, sea turtle, bird and mangrove watching. In Palizada, river tours. T...

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Representative species of PA

Bottle-nosed Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), American Manatee (Trichechus manatus), Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Red mangrov...

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You can see more representative species of Laguna de Términos on the web site

Go to the Naturalista web site

Visitor regulations

Follow these indications to conserve the Protected Area

1. Make the payment of the fee (bracelet). 2. To have the COVID vaccinations. 3. Deposit the garbage in its place


  • PA office address

    Av. Adolfo López Mateos # 1965, Esq. Héroes del 21 de abril, prolongación playa norte, Ciudad del Carmen Campeche.

  • Phone

    +52 (938) 38 26270

  • Email

    Without information

PA social networks
Gobierno de México
Medio Ambiente