HomeProtected Areas

Arrecife Alacranes


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About Arrecife Alacranes

Arrecife Alacranes National Park.  This National Park is of great importance in Mexico, since it protects the largest coral reef in the entire Gulf of Mexico. It also constitu...

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How to get there?

  • Most important locality

    Progreso, Yucatán.

  • Airport

    Merida International Airport 'Manuel Crescencio Rejon' - Yucatan

References and Transportation
  • Ways to get there

    By sea through navigation departing from Puerto Progreso, Yucatan.

  • Transportation facilities

    Through private boats.

  • Mobility within the protected area

    There are maritime signs and on the terrestrial portion there are signs.

  • Schedules

    Every day from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Prior notice to the Area Management Office and in accordance with what has been established with the captaincy of Puerto Progreso.

  • Entrance fee

    $725 MXN

  • Average weather in the area

    Warm and dry, 26.7°C

Arrecife Alacranes in Mexico

Activities and recommendations



  • Spring and summer are recommended to visit the Protected Area.
  • Quick-drying, sun-protective clothing, a hat and sunglasses are recommended.


Services within the PA


Lodging near the PA

Overnight stays are only allowed in Isla Perez in the area designated for this purpose.

Food service near the PA


Available services in the nearest locality to the PA

Bank ATMs
Market / Super Market
Self-service wholesale and retail stores
Transportation services

Nearest locality to the PA

Progreso, Yucatán.

Admission fee

Protected Area entrance fee

$725 MXN Entrance prices per person, per day, as collection of rights.

Senior citizens, pensioned and retired persons, disabled persons, and minors under 12 years of age will be exempt from the payment of fees, whose status will be accredited once they enter the Protected Area, if applicable, with the corresponding valid credential. A 50% discount will be applied to students and teachers with a valid credential, which must be presented upon entering the Protected Area.

More about Arrecife Alacranes

Interesting facts

This reef is the largest coral structure in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the only reef described in the State of Yucatan. It is formed by ...

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Coral reefs, sea turtles, endemic and migratory birds, as well as a lookout point.

Representative species of PA

Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus), Blue-faced Booby (Sula dactylatra), Sooty Tern (Onychopr...

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You can see more representative species of Arrecife Alacranes on the web site

Go to the Naturalista web site

Visitor regulations

Follow these indications to conserve the Protected Area

1. In the area designated for camping it is forbidden to dig or level the ground and/or cut plants.
2. Each visitor must collect the g...

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  • PA office address

    Calle 59-B No. 238 Fracc. Yucalpetén, Edificio 1 Piso 4 C.P.97238, Mérida, Yucatán.

  • Phone

    +52 (999) 938 0708

  • Email

    Without information

PA social networks
Gobierno de México
Medio Ambiente