HomeProtected Areas
Valle de los Cirios
Baja California

About Valle de los Cirios
Valle de los Cirios Wildlife Protection Area. It is one of the largest protected areas in Mexico, with more than 2.5 million hectares. The visitor can admire diverse types of arid zone v...
How to get there?
Most important locality
Bahía de los Ángeles is within the Protected Area.
Guerrero Negro on the border of Baja California and Baja California Sur.
Ensenada, Baja California, at 646 Km.
La Paz, Baja California Sur, at 772 Km. -
Tijuana International Airport 'General Abelardo L. Rodríguez' - B.C.
Guerrero Negro Airport - B.C.S. receives flights from Monterrey, Tijuana, Chihuahua, Durango , Hermosillo, Puerto Peñasco, Guaymas, Cd. Obregón, Culiacán and Guadalajara
References and Transportation
Ways to get there
Access is via the Transpeninsular Highway (Federal Highway 1). It starts at Km 118 on the Lázaro Cárdenas Parador Punta Prieta stretch. By t...
Transportation facilities
Private automobile, as well as local service providers (Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur) that offer tours to the most emblematic areas o...
Mobility within the protected area
The area is very extensive and depends on the activity to be carried out between them, but in general it is through dirt roads.
Every day of the year.
Service providers handle specific schedules. The Visitor Center at Llano del Berrendo can be visited daily, by appointment, by calling Valle de los Cirios at 615-157-2849.
Entrance fee
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Rights for the current fiscal year
Average weather in the area
Very arid, semi-warm,18-22°C
Coldest month -18°C. The hottest month 22°C. Winter rainfall greater than 36% annually. The Gulf side is extremely warm in summer and autumn, while the Pacific coast is less warm in summer 18-22°C.
Protected Area map
View map

Activities and recommendations
- Bird watching
- Environmental education and interpretation
- Flora and fauna watching
- Service providers recommend autumn, winter and early spring for activities such as hiking, visiting cave paintings, etc.
- In summer it is recommended to wear a hat or cap, jacket and boots.
Services within the PA
Visitor's Center, where there is a museography of the Peninsular Pronghorn and a guided tour to learn about the Peninsular Pronghorn Recover...
Lodging near the PA
In Bahía de los Ángeles and Bahía San Luis Gonzaga there are several hotels and tourist camps.
In Cataviña there is a hotel.
In the ...
Food service near the PA
Fast food
Available services in the nearest locality to the PA
(Only in the town of Guerrero Negro, B.C.S.)
Bus transportation
Medical services
Nearest locality to the PA
Bahía de los Ángeles is within the Protected Area.
Guerrero Negro on the border of Baja California and Baja California Sur.
Admission fee
Protected Area entrance fee
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Rights for the current fiscal year
More about Valle de los Cirios
Interesting facts
The Valle de los Cirios is the only place in the world where you can find the Giant Cirios (Fouqueria Columnaris), a plant exclusive to Baja...
Cave paintings, Oasis in Cataviñá and Berrendo Visitor Center-Museography. Bird watching and gray whale watching in winter, sport fishing an...
Representative species of PA

Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates and O. c. weemsi), coyote (Canis latrans peninsulae), Cougar (Puma concolor), Boojum tree (Fouqu...
You can see more representative species of Valle de los Cirios on the web site

Visitor regulations
Follow these indications to conserve the Protected Area
The rules at the Llano del Berrendo visitor center are:
1. Respect the staff and the facilities.
2. Respect the trails and signs. 3...
PA office address
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines esquina Domingo Carballo Felix, S/N. Colonia Marcelo Rubio. Guerrero Negro B.C.S., C.P. 23940.
+52 (615) 15 72849 +52 (615) 157 1394